KMyMoney to HLedger
Because I have been wanting to start using plain text accounting I needed a conversion from KMyMoney software to HLedger.
Just use isabekov / kmymoney2ledgers by Altynbek Isabekov instead of my conversion program! (It's much better!)
Command line Clojure tool
My Clojure KMyMoney to HLedger conversion conversion program (a quick hack; also see disclaimer in the source code header) uses Tupolo Forest
(see below) to parse the input XML KMyMoney file (prior to conversion it must be decompressed from its gzip format).
From Releases copy kmymoney2hledger
and kmymoney2hledger.jar
to a subdirectory and make kmymoney2hledger
executable. Put the subdirectory in your path (if it isn't already). Also a Java runtime environment (JRE) is required.
1kmymoney2hledger yourdecompressedkmymoneyinputfile.kmy
It writes the converted output to
CSV importers
See the following repositories for import of CSV-files into HLedger journals:
Rabobank CSV-export to HLedger converter and N26 CSV-export to HLedger converter
But it's much better to use the HLedger csv format functionality to import CSV-files.
Technical information
Have you ever wanted to manipulate tree-like data structures such as hiccup or HTML? If so, then the tupelo.forest library is for you! Forest allows you to:
- Easily search for tree nodes based on the path from the tree root.
- Search for tree nodes based on content.
- Limit a search to nodes in an arbitrary sub-tree.
- Find parents and siblings of a node found in a search.
- Chain searches together, so that nodes found in one search are used to limit the scope of sub-searches.
- In addition, tupelo.forest allows you to update the tree by adding, changing, or deleting nodes. Since tupelo.forest allows one to easily find parent and/or sibling nodes, this is a powerful feature missing in most other tree-processing libraries. – Tupelo Forest (by Alan Thompson)