Date in URL Image scraper

A Haskell program that uses the Conduit library to retrieve and store image files with Network.HTTP.Conduit, which are accessible via an URL with a date in it. The images are stored in an images subdirectory with the date in the filename. The program skips URLs that do not return a HTTP status code of 200 (e.g. weekends, holidays, or other periods without images available) and generates an exception if the status code is not in the 2xx range. The exception is rethrown when the status code is not 404. This all has no practical use at all but I wanted to see how exceptions are handled in conduits.


Note the sinkList and sourceList, which are a nice Conduit feature and the use of catchC.

  1{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
  2module ImageDownloader where
  4import           Control.Exception        (throwIO)
  5import           Control.Monad            (unless, void, when)
  6import           Control.Monad.IO.Class   (liftIO)
  7import           Data.Conduit             (catchC, runConduitRes, (.|))
  8import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary      as CB
  9import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as CC
 10import qualified Data.Conduit.List        as CL
 11import           Data.List.Split          (chunksOf)
 12import           Data.Time
 13import           Network.HTTP.Client      (BodyReader, HttpException,
 14                                           HttpExceptionContent (StatusCodeException),
 15                                           checkResponse, responseBody,
 16                                           responseStatus)
 17import           Network.HTTP.Simple
 18import           Network.HTTP.Types       (statusCode)
 19import           System.Directory         (doesFileExist)
 21outputDir :: String
 22outputDir = "images/"
 24statusValid :: Int
 25statusValid = 200
 27previousDay :: Day -> Day
 28previousDay = addDays (-1)
 30show' :: Int -> String
 31show' n
 32  | length (show n) == 1 = "0" ++ show n
 33  | otherwise = show n
 35previousDate :: String -> String -> String
 36previousDate dat yyNow =
 37  let
 38    [yy,mm,dd] = chunksOf 2 dat
 39    (year :: Integer) = read yy
 40    (month :: Int) = read mm
 41    (day :: Int) = read dd
 42    (thisYear :: Integer) = read yyNow
 43    year' = if year > thisYear then 1900 + year else 2000 + year
 44    days = fromGregorian year' month day
 45    pDays = previousDay days
 46    (pyy,pmm,pdd) = toGregorian pDays
 47    [_,pyy'] = chunksOf 2 $ show pyy
 48  in
 49    pyy' ++ show' pmm ++ show' pdd
 51-- | Throw 'HttpException' exception on server errors (not 2xx).
 52checkHttpResponse :: Request -> Response BodyReader -> IO ()
 53checkHttpResponse request response =
 54  let sc = statusCode (responseStatus response)
 55  in
 56    when (sc `div` 100 /= 2)
 57      $ throwIO
 58        $ HttpExceptionRequest
 59          request
 60          (StatusCodeException (void response) mempty)
 62processUrl' :: String -> String -> String -> String -> IO ()
 63processUrl' yyNow url dat ext = do
 64  let pathName = outputDir ++ dat ++ ext
 65  fe <- doesFileExist pathName
 66  unless fe $ do
 67    -- rq <- parseRequest fullUrl
 68    rq' <- parseRequest fullUrl
 69    let rq = rq' { checkResponse = checkHttpResponse }
 70    rs <- runConduitRes
 71      $ (httpSource rq getSrc `catchC`
 72        (\(e :: HttpException) -> do
 73             let HttpExceptionRequest _ (StatusCodeException ersp _) = e
 74                 erspsc = statusCode (responseStatus ersp)
 75             liftIO $ putStrLn $ " CAUGHT EXCEPTION (HTTP status code=" ++ show erspsc ++ ")"
 76             when (erspsc /= 404) $
 77                 liftIO $ throwIO
 78                   $ HttpExceptionRequest
 79                     rq
 80                     (StatusCodeException (void ersp) mempty)))
 81      .| CC.sinkList
 82    unless (null rs) $
 83      runConduitRes
 84        $ CL.sourceList rs
 85        .| CB.sinkFile pathName
 86  processUrl' yyNow url (previousDate dat yyNow) ext
 87  where
 88    fullUrl = url ++ dat ++ ext
 89    getSrc res = do
 90      let sc = getResponseStatusCode res
 91      -- Only when status valid; empty result otherwise.
 92      when (sc == statusValid) $ do
 93        getResponseBody res
 94        liftIO $ print (fullUrl, getResponseStatus res, getResponseHeaders res)
 96processUrl :: String -> String -> String -> IO ()
 97processUrl url dat ext = do
 98  now <- getCurrentTime
 99  let yyNow = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%y" now
100  processUrl' yyNow url dat ext


 1{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings   #-}
 2{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 4module Main where
 6import qualified Options.Applicative  as OA
 7import           ImageDownloader
 9data Args = Args String String String
11args :: OA.Parser Args
12args = Args
13  <$> OA.strArgument
14  (OA.metavar "url" <> "Input is a base url")
15  <*> OA.strArgument
16  (OA.metavar "date" <> "Input is a date (yymmdd) section --e.g. 211119")
17  <*> OA.strArgument
18  (OA.metavar "extension" <> "Input is a file extension --e.g. .jpg")
20argsInfo :: OA.ParserInfo Args
21argsInfo = args OA.fullDesc
23main :: IO ()
24main = do
25  Args url dat ext <- OA.execParser argsInfo
26  processUrl url dat ext


Use the hpack command to generate a cabal file for the project.

 1name: imagedownloader
 3synopsis: Image downloader
 4description: |
 5    Downloads images with date in URL.    
 6category: HTML
 7license: GPL-3
 8stability: development
11- -Wall
12- -fno-warn-unused-do-bind
13- -fno-warn-name-shadowing
14- -fno-warn-missing-signatures
15- -fno-warn-type-defaults
16- -fno-warn-orphans
19  source-dirs: src
20  dependencies:
21    - base
22    - bytestring
23    - conduit
24    - conduit-extra
25    - directory
26    - http-client
27    - http-conduit
28    - http-types
29    - resourcet
30    - split
31    - streaming-commons
32    - time
35  imagedownloader:
36    main: Main.hs
37    source-dirs: app
38    ghc-options: [-threaded]
39    dependencies:
40    - base
41    - optparse-applicative
42    - imagedownloader

Build and execute

2cabal new-build

and to execute, use e.g.:

1cabal new-run . -- 211125 .jpg

Which will retrieve all images from the specified date in yymmdd format (i.e. 2021, November 25th) backwards in time. Use Ctrl+C to abort the program when there are no more images to download. Watch the output of the program to determine this. The program will not redownload already downloaded images on a subsequent run.

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